- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA, President (2020-2023)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA, Vice President (2022-2025)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2021-2024)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2020-2023)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2020-2023)
- Jason Covington, MNAA (pro-tem) (2023-2024)
- Barry Phillips, MNAA (2022-2025)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, Past President
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Trustee
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Association Manager
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA, President (2020-2023)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA, Vice President (2022-2025)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2021-2024)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2020-2023)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2020-2023)
- Melissa Bond, MNAA (2020-2023 – resigned Dec. 2021)
- Jason Covington, MNAA (protem to replace Melissa Bond, MNAA (2022-2023)
- Malinda Griffin, MNAA (2021-2024)
- Barry Phillips, MNAA (2022-2025)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, Past President
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Trustee
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Association Manager
- Craig Morley, MNAA, President (2017-2021 - resigned Oct. 2020)
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA, Vice President (2020-2023 - ascended to president in Oct. 2020)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2020-2021 - filled Craig Morley's board seat)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2020-2023)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2020-2023)
- Melissa Bond, MNAA (2020-2023)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA (2019-2022 - ascended to Vice President in Oct. 2020)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, Past President (2017-2021)
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Chairman of the Board
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Association Manager
- Craig Morley, MNAA, President (2017-2021)
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA, Vice President (2016-2020)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2016-2020)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2016-2020)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2016-2020)
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA (2016-2020)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA (2019-2022)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, Past President (2017-2021)
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Chairman of the Board
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Association Manager
2017-2019 (changed elections from Fall to Spring)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, President (2017-2020)
- Craig Morley, MNAA, Vice President (2017-2020)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2016-2019)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2016-2019)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2016-2019)
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA (2016-2019)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA (2016-2018) (appointed filled Lori Noble’s board seat)
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Past President
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Chairman of the Board
- George Harrison, MNAA, Association Manager
- John Dingeman, MNAA, President (2014-2017)
- Craig Morley, MNAA, Vice President (2014-2017)
- Greg Stephens, MNAA, Secretary (2016-2019)
- Cathy Putegnat, MNAA, Treasurer (2016-2019)
- Tim Andersen, MNAA (2016-2019)
- Lori Noble, MNAA (2015-2018 - resigned in 2016)
- Bryan Reynolds, MNAA (2016-2019)
- Josh Walitt, MNAA (2016-2018) (appointed to fill Lori Noble’s vacated position)
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, Past President
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Chairman of the Board
- George Harrison, MNAA, Association Manager
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, President (2013-2016)
- John Dingeman, MNAA, Vice President (2014-2017)
- Martin Molloy, MNAA, Secretary (2013-2016)
- Robert Keith, MNAA, Treasurer (2013-2016)
- Craig Morley, MNAA (2014-2017)
- Lori Noble, MNAA (2015-2018)
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Past President (2013-2016)
- George Harrison, MNAA, Association Manager
- Laurie Egan, MNAA, President (2013-2016)
- Sam Henderson, MNAA, Vice President (2012-2015)
- Martin Molloy, MNAA, Secretary (2013-2016)
- Robert Keith, MNAA, Treasurer (2013-2016)
- Fran Oreto, MNAA (2012-2015)
- Craig Morley, MNAA (2014-2017)
- John Dingeman, MNAA (2014-2017)
- Mike Brunson, MNAA, Past President (2013-2016)
- George Harrison, MNAA, Association Manager
2013-2014 (MAA changed to MNAA in 2014)
- Mike Brunson, MAA, President (2013-2016)
- Laurie Egan, MAA, Vice President (2013-2016)
- Sam Henderson, MAA, Treasurer (2012-2015)
- Martin Molloy, MAA, Secretary (2013-2016)
- Robert Keith, MAA (2013-2016)
- Fran Oreto, MAA (2012-2015)
- Steve Vehmeier, MAA (2011-2014)
- Doug Winner, MAA (2011-2014)
- George Harrison, MAA, Past President and Association Manager
- Mike Brunson, MAA, President (2010-2013)
- Laurie Egan, MAA, Vice President (2010-2013)
- Sam Henderson, MAA, Treasurer (2012-2015)
- Martin Molloy, MAA, Secretary (2010-2013)
- Fran Oreto, MAA (2012-2015)
- Steve Vehmeier, MAA (2011-2014)
- Doug Winner, MAA (2011-2014)
- George Harrison, MAA, Past President and Association Manager (2010-2013)
- George Harrison, MAA, President (2010-2013)
- Mike Brunson, MAA, Vice President (2010-2013)
- Laurie Egan, MAA, Treasurer (2010-2013)
- Martin Molloy, MAA, Secretary (2010-2013)
- Steve Vehmeier, MAA (2011-2014)
- Doug Winner, MAA (2011-2014)
- George Harrison, MAA, President (2010-2013)
- Mike Brunson, MAA, Vice President (2010-2013)
- Laurie Egan, MAA, Treasurer (2010-2013)
- Martin Molloy, MAA, Secretary (2010-2013)
- Bobby Crisp, MAA (2010-2011)
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